Same, my wife got me a Fossil wallet which is more expensive than the wallets I normally get and I am going on about 5 years with it as well. Although Fossil is kind of like bootleg Coach kind of.
Same, my wife got me a Fossil wallet which is more expensive than the wallets I normally get and I am going on about 5 years with it as well. Although Fossil is kind of like bootleg Coach kind of.
I’ve noticed this, too. At least the comments here are nowhere near as graphic (and sometimes sexually violent) as they are over on YouTube. Some of those comments are terrifying and the options for flagging them aren’t exactly clear-cut or useful.
I also think it’s refreshing to discuss female lust and the performance of female lust. For so long women voicing their desires has been equated with sluttiness or shame or bad behavior, so I really love that Bim and Nichole are so vocal and proud. This podcast is amazing, even if it makes me blush on public transport.…
Chanel really overprices their stuff as well. You can get a quality handbag made in Italy that doesn’t cost $6k. They routinely raise their prices to keep the brand out of reach for certain consumers. It’s all about branding and social status through consumption.
TB is garbage, but I do like that god damn turtleneck!!!!
Growing up (poor) I was always so jealous of the amazing STYLE of the well-dressed girls. Flash forward to now when I have money to spend and I realize it’s not style, it’s just money. People venerate women like Tory Burch like she has some magical, mysterious quality when really . . . it’s just money.
While I recognize that terms like “my dear” and “sweetie” can be endearing, I have slight issues with them in certain contexts. As a short woman of only four feet and 10 inches I am accustomed to hearing terms like these used for me, but the same people who call me sweetie call my friends who are taller than me…
All the love to you. I’ve spilled my guts a few times on this site- long story short in the early ‘90s Mr Mars and I became what were called at the time “hope to die” heroin addicts. We lost everything (except each other) and survived a couple bad years on the streets. The one thing that finally got us clean was a…
It’s really not easy to rack up a bill that high for a custom shirt. Top-end cotton from Charvet or Turnbull & Asser are almost never more than about EUR1000 and the best silk (which I’m not even sure T&A do anymore except for white tie/dress) is around EUR1200. I think the only way you could be averaging USD1500 per…
percentages never seen before in our history, many people are saying.
What percentage likelihood is it that Mattis and Kelly were ordered to make those statements.
A historical reference! I think I love you.
Well, perhaps if you’d ASKED the man first instead of SNEAKING a picture like you’re Nelly Bly on an undercover assignment...
You never know when you’re going to need to have video evidence of cops beating and killing a Black or Brown person.
Hindsight is 20/20 and Karma Lawrence (I’ll leave the jokes to you) is learning that the hard way after receiving…
At some point, our society is going to have to reckon with the fact that we assign the label of “crazy” to victims of abuse. We are going to have to stop taking the side that uses plausible deniability as it’s main defense. We are going to have to accept that body language and facial expressions are significant…
Another way people can tell Bash supports white supremacy is if they look closely in that first video around the 4 second mark they’ll notice Bash worked with Stephen Miller, a white supremacist, to help craft Trump’s bigoted immigration policy.
This one isn’t hard (although I can see some of the usual suspects as per usual seem to have a problem recognizing it and will then tell us that we’re seeing shit) there is no reason whatsoever that that symbol would be used in that context. None. The only reason why would be in order to send a message to someone.…
Just how out of touch do some of you have to be to know what time we’re in, and to have seen all of the subversive shit going on, and pretend that this is much ado about nothing? Like, are they going to have to literally lynch someone on camera for you to fucking get it? This is hardly the first time these MAGA…