

Chevalier de Saint-Georges would also make a good movie - he was the first classical composer of African Ancestry, and he was a champion fencer.

Black drug dealers reading that Demi Lovato story like:

I think at that point i wouldn’t have put much past Trump himself. But that every single republican, in power and the everyday sort, would bend over backwards to accommodate and enable him? That was the worst surprise of all.

I really thought that idiot Dubya and his Cheney manufactured war in Iraq were going to be the lowest I’d ever see a President go. (Though that was war crimes level behavior). Every time I’m reminded that Trump is president and running his slimy little hands all over the White House I’m disgusted with what this

This will soon be updated to say that he has been disinvited as of about 7:00 EST.

To me, this is just more evidence that editors and the like see this kind of thing as a sort of interesting exercise. It just shows me they have no real skin in the game. These ideas are more than well-known. In fact, they’re nigh foundational in America. To present it as if it’s a curiosity, and not just a retread of

I would like to see Boots Riley and Steve Bannon face to face

Unless he recants his evil ways and confesses to all of his terrible suspected crimes, nothing he says will shed any light on anything we know he already is, a hateful, racist monster.

Everyone knows where he’s coming from. To have him at this prestigious festival, to have his name printed in the same program with David Hogg, is monstrous.

But that’s the thing - it’s not like his opinions are a secret or there’s some deep nuance that needs to be unpacked.

Bannon has received dozens of interviews over the years, massively gotten more media attention than almost anyone other media person, and has been written about countless times.

Three years ago I didn’t know what “collusion” or the “emoluments (clause)” were. Trump is turning me into a legal scholar.


DC is a one-party state—as long as one person in the conversation knows it’s being recorded, it’s legal—so there’s no prosecution possible there. She didn’t have a security clearance, so nothing she should have been privy to was classified; no one with clearance should have been telling her anything that required it.

Yep. I’m not allowed to have my phone on me at work, at all, because there is technically a possibility that I might be brazen enough to go backstage and take pictures of the band’s sound equipment before a concert. Sound equipment that is, for the most part, exactly the same as the equipment the last band brought

Welcome to the Whore/Madonna complex that is rife in Christianity and Society. We been taking the rap for ain’t shit men and their behavior since the dawn of time.

He was garbage and aligned with the dancing coons who supported 45- Clark, Carson, Steve Harvey, Chappell, and those black preachers who keep popping up and those who watch Kelly sit on her feet on that Oval Office picture.

Agree 100%. Also grateful to see the words “rape culture” come out of the mouth of a man. We need that. We shouldn’t, but we do.

I’m on the WC, and I called my parents on the EC to make sure they knew how to stream it. Mind you I happened to wake up at 7:45 AM and folks were flowing into the church and called them at 10:30 AM. My mom was like let’s watch this together. Since she raised me on Aretha, I could not say no, so she put me on the