
Welcome to Kinja, Mr. Goodell.

How far did he punt that player?

sure it's not 300m/s? at roughly the 8:30 mark of the video, it takes around 3 seconds to fly the last 1km to the docking bay. The station itself is never more than 10km away, which makes a 300km/s approach rather......unfeasible.

That... actually sounds almost exactly right. They had a great idea and could have done some really good things with it. But then, well, the actual game happened and ruined everything. Hahaha!

Related note: can we please get Ian Darke to announce an NFL game this year?

Okay here's my thing: This trailer shows a lot of action, but the one thing that makes it cool/remarkable is the song from Return of the King, aka The Most Emotionally Devastating Depiction of Sloppy Tomato-Eating In Cinematic History.

All I've ever had to do is give my group the opportunity and they made their own fun. A lot easier than making up joke Orc names.

Sounds like basic improv theory: Whatever your partner does, the answer is always "yes." Go with it.

Pictured: no contact.

True story: I beat Tyson as a kid. I was playing at the neighbor's house with their two kids and we were doing the typical 10-year old thing - playing video games all night until our eyes bleed. It was about midnight (Saturday) before I worked my way up to Tyson. I had faced him before and, like most people, got curb

Given where the Cup is being held, the players should be grateful there's any turf on the pitch at all.

he's the only Joker, everyone else is merely trying to to get close

Dante Stallworth's car, but good luck.

Now playing


as opposed to Spub Webbinho, Wayninho or Miss Sunshininho

Nice show of sportsmanship by the opposing team. For all the talk of the racism inherent in international soccer it's nice to see a man recognize another man is having a really fucking bad day and trying to tell him it's okay.

Because when I see that Billy Haisley has written a soccer article, I expect it to be about a top flight club. Not some scrub team like Manchester United.

Man U coverage? Why are we talking about these second rate teams? Chelsea has Champions League game today. And then Liverpool- Chelsea this weekend. Why are we wasting time talking about poorly managed teams with diluted talent?