Good try, Comrade, but you can’t have that intel so easily here.
Good try, Comrade, but you can’t have that intel so easily here.
Yeah if you don’t agree with people doing idiotic counterproductive things you’re a bad ally! I think you guys got this yourself, you don’t need this white devil helping.
This is the first thing I see when I open the internet today. Who knew a 15 year old from Iowa could give me such joy on my birthday? I feel like Jared Fogle.
I'd go to more tennis matches if I could openly smoke weed there.
What is colossally stupid is the number of people who criticize Sanders’s ideas (and Hamilton’s defense of them) without offering up ideas as to what Sanders/other candidates SHOULD do. It’s like you’re saying “Here’s a list of all this racist shit that’s wrong with this country!” And Sanders is like “OK, here is what…
Seems like a very all-or-nothing take. If Bernie can’t fix the problem 100%, on the day he takes office, then he’s ripe for criticism because he hasn’t done enough and won’t do enough in the future? Not really a fan of that analysis.
Obama IS center-right.
You know who else has the fucking Secret Service? Obama. You know who else has to face hecklers who get into his speeches? Obama. So that “Hillary has Secret Service” excuse is bull.
You’re totally right—instead of planning to alleviate racism with economic tools, Sanders should instead just plan to make every American sign a pledge stating “I won’t be racist.” That would be a much better solution.
You’re actually defending this?! He walked with MLK for gods sake. There were so many better targets and they pick him? So yeah, Sanders can’t save black people and should no longer try.
You’re right. Bernie Sanders can’t save black people. And you don’t need to worry about it. Hillary is going to be president and maintain the same center-right politics that have been in place for 8 years. Welcome to America.
Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Hillary gets advance notice and a closed door private meeting, Sanders and O’Malley get ambushed. Right.
A rape kit is merely used to collect evidence to support that claim, it does not automatically make the case a rape. No one has been arested or charged with rape at this point. The case is being handled with the charge that they can SUPPORT based on the immediate evidence at hand. Once a case for rape can be made, the…
I find it horrifying that we spend as much as we do (deploying nuclear attack subs?!) to chase down and celebrate this one catch when there are 10 others that are passing ‘em right by...
Seriously? Even North Koreans should be protected from white male snark?