
That’s unfortunately not going to happen.

1. Voted for Clinton. Would never vote for Trump.

Nothing has ever equaled the ubiquity and severity of modern light pollution.

It’s an idiotic retcon because it’s fundamentally equal to building a car before inventing the internal combustion engine and expecting to retrofit that later, because why not?

Orrrrrr one nerd in Sweden gets a subscription and then the rest of his eye patch buddies visit his “house” for a viewing party. Harrr mateys!

Yet we cozy up to foreign regimes that mistreat women. No conflict here folks!

To be fair, there’s about 50 other things besides some stupid emails

It’s Gawker. They claim the moral high ground but lack morals...journalistic or otherwise. Same game as Breitbart...just not very good at it...

Surprised you didn’t hear any buzz about the sixth episode.. .

Don’t give up? Why would anyone give up? I’m looking around Gizmodo and all I see are echo chambers of left wing misery. Personally, I can’t stand either candidate. Still, when you look at the end result, it wasn’t just a win by Trump, but many wins by Republicans. I saw a talking head call it a Democratic party

If I was a betting man, I’m going towards no. The result of this election has only reinforce my belief that many people are still stuck on the idea of us vs. them (hence why a third party stands zero chance).

lol, sense you’ve already been to Italy I’m sure your aware its racist and xenophobic as all hell. Good luck over there!

Some Republican voters decided on supporting Trump in the nominating process, which amounts to a minority of overall voters, but he still managed to get a majority of the voters that counted in the actual election.

The problem with utopian science fiction is that it never shows the heavy lifting it took to get there, and that heavy lifting can be a dirty, violent, prolonged affair full of setbacks.

I still think the original was not oversexualized but rather a realistic portrayal of teenage girls today who already oversexualize their own appearance.

Yea, because lets elect the one who cant figure out what Classified means after years in office, and steals money from her charity.

This is the attitude that won trump the election, hard working , salt of the earth Americans fed up up with being labeled racist and sexist because they believe in tight borders, national security, lower entitlements and traditional values. This election had nothing to do with race or gender. It had everything to do

There’s thousands in prison for murder. Does this mean you’re a murderer, a racist, a pedo, a drug runner? Humanity seems to like bragging one second about the uniqueness of the species from one person to the next, and how we should all be judged by our own merits. Then a second later we’re trying to group as many

So some people being racist in a country makes the whole country racist? Isn’t that the same thing as a few bad apples within an ethnicity makes all those people bad?