
Unfair, unbalanced power-dynamic will probably be the answer everyone and their sophistry will give you.

Do you live in the United States? Because if so, you can fuck off with your fantasies. It’s a lot cheaper and easier to get a gun than affordable healthcare, especially for mental issues.

You’re lying because only men want sex.

Funny, I have the same problem with women. Here’s a novel idea: everyone is capable of misreading signals, whether they have a penis or vagina. Think equal.

Adopt a cat and lock the doors. It's a cold, cruel world outside.

Yeah. Fuck those assholes for caring about you in a meaningful way. Because it’s not like people who are close to each other EVER hook up, date, and marry. NEVER FUCKING HAPPENS.

Sorry if my comment was inelegantly worded, but perhaps if you’d read the second half you’d be able to write a more specific criticism.

Bachelor means a guy is having sex and a good time, not being lonely, horny, and alone.

Women have a tough outer shell that must be broken through with a penis.

I’m going to play devil’s advocate and flip that around a bit; their incredible optimism and confidence is a strategy that’s effective if you look at it as a numbers game. From the perspective of evolutionary biology maybe it’s simply more efficient for men to just keep trying at every opportunity until you wear

Little insight (maybe). Long before I married Mrs. There Castle, there was a girl I was head over heels for, just adored her. But I was too shy to ever ask her out. She wound up getting seriously involved with someone and then married. Over the two years she was married (clearly it didn’t last so long) I became a bit

Do you think he cared what you thought of his lyrics?

Wayne Gretzky said “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”. If you see a nonverbal cue and you’re not sure there’s something thing there, you have a (small) chance of something happening if you pursue as opposed to not taking the chance which will result in “failure” 100% of the time.

Me too, homie. At the first sign of no, I vanish.

I think we can all agree that the reason Men act this way is because they have Penises. There I said it.

Why do I have to read you? Why can’t you just say what is on your mind? - Questions a thousand men have asked...

No, it’s because most people who claim to be Republican are actually moderate, and Biden is moderate. They want support for the little guy and change, but are more comfortable with slow change. They erroneously see Demos as forcing quick change. Very few Republicans in the U.S. are as conservative as the Republican

That last one is creepy as fuck! It reminds me of the Uncle (the not actual Uncle sort just family friend sort) that tells you to stand up and give him a twirl because he hasn't seen you in ages...