
I inadvertently became a snake owner back in June of Rorschach, a stray high white banded California King Snake that is definitely not native to northern New York. The thing is, the feeder mice that my local pet shop keep alive for live feeding were already slated for live feeding, so one way or another besides

The relevance is subjective, but at least you're coming around now to see the light with you admitting that the watch comparative has relevance as well.

YES! So so leveled fairly against those snooty we-have-social-media-account-and-you-don't-so-you're-trash! kind of braying jackasses.

Heh, I've accounts banned from Jezebel for pointing out empirical and scientifically sound facts!

Burner here: why didn't you guys just set a pic-privs-after-certain-#-of-posts/days rule? That would have simply smashed the troll's instant gratification in one fell swoop while not hindering the rest of us who have clearly established ourselves as not trolls.

The content of comments themselves 99.999999999% of the time bears no matter in cash-click numbers. Half the reason burners exist is because that more people than not don't and just won't for good reasons have a social media account of any kind, so back when GM tried to force social media account tie-ins, their page

The only histrionics here is how you're projecting too much that these established facts are crazy.

DUH‽ That's why I said you only SOUND like one. The one who needs schooling is you.

Well, let me collate it into some general bullet points for you since you won't see the connection.

Yes, you did. Why not equally for everybody then?

institutionalized sexism is perpetuated

Yes! Awwww... : \

Why does this comment not have all the stars‽ You're brilliant, I want your babies. Bring them down to the overpass, it'll be fun!

Yes it did. The other half of the anon-burner coin that everyone here is overlooking was that far more people don't and won't have any kind of social media account, so back before when GM tried to do forced social media log-ins/tie-ins the page view numbers dropped percent-wise like flies, glued to a brick, chucked

the fact that this isn't regarded as a serious problem by GM makes them complicit

You sound like a segregationist.

No. I am not making any social media accounts anywhere, fuckyouverymuch!

With you on the grey point, so self-serving and cliquish, but the feminism bashing is fair dues and it isn't known as the F-word for nothing, and not just for the four letter one either.

MissFem is right though about the minute-flat IP flipping, Burners have nothing to do with that at all and getting rid of them wouldn't help, only hurt those like me who won't join any social media site.