
Why is everyone here hung up on that dumb Burner IP-recording notion when IP's themselves can be flipped in a minute to a new set of digits easy-peazy. Bashing the burner system is pointless.

A dumb and utterly clueless rant, no point to record IP addys since they can be flipped in a minute flat; your bias against burners is a hollow bigotry.

Exactly, this IP=Burner-problem point is actually just flat out pointless.

No. Stop whoring. Whoring is a word. You're being a word.

The only thing that is weird is what you think is what is weird.

the shady ways the company handles itself — including straight-up telling her she should pay her employees less.

Your opinion is duly noted and calculated, citizen # xxx-xx-xxxx.

What you think is weird is what is weird.

I am NOT going to watch Spy Kids.

Now playing


No, child, we're talking about laughing with, not laughing at.

Roight?! You just hear Virini giggling at the delectably diabolical notions behind Ecchic89's question of who was the puppet and who was the shadow... . . . !

That, and the sheeples' panic have come to e-life via online lynch mob mentality and witch trial logic that rules now; I'm all for lending my voice to a greater sound, but we destroy people's actual lives now over something as little and as simple as a satirical joke. We may have destroyed Nazi Germany, but principle

Seriously, what is it with all these negative universe 99.9999999999999999999958% empty Debbie Downers.