
The Dalai Lama tweeted about just this a while back:

Ah yes, prayer...for those who want to feel like they’re doing something, but don’t actually want to do anything.

We should be doing both.

Ancona, who is known for claiming that the Ku Klux Klan is a Christian organization, not a racist one—as if the two are always mutually exclusive

I heard a snippet on NPR today - apparently Nazis not only wanted a perfect human race but also to change agriculture so that it was all “Aryan-based” (meaning they had plans to wipe out crops from other nations, especially Slavic ones). I wish I could find the story but Google is failing me. Anyway, this wasn’t

You can tell from the comments that there will be a backlash. Hopefully it’ll have impact

The comments are great

Ya, this retired school teacher is going to love that characterization;

When Utah redistricted in 2011, the state’s Republican legislative majority tried to gerrymander longtime Blue Dog Democrat Jim Matheson out of his seat in Congress by splitting his relatively liberal Salt Lake County district into five parts. (He still kept it until he retired.) The piece in southeast Salt Lake

Saw the heading and immediately thought “McPoyle.” Then you referenced it in the article <3

skim heads

Proud whole milk guzzling Jew here.

also, skim.

This POS belongs here then?

What. The. Fuck.


Being forced to watch the White House orientation video must have been tough for him, since it doesn’t mention him. The part about sexual harassment in the workplace must have been uncomfortable.

At this point, Knicks fans may back Reggie Miller over James Dolan.

Is that some kind of joke?