Pope Alexander

Fuck off with this patronizing bullshit. I’ve seen the movie many times. I “get” it. It’s just that the plot is stupid and the over-arching concept behind it is nonsensical.

Ever since somebody pointed out that the plot makes no sense, I haven’t had the heart to rewatch it.

He’s like an earnest Jack Black.

So they’re going to play into the classic comic trope of the desperate closeted gay who’s in love with his hetero friend? Cool. Sounds progressive.

I think abandoning books I’m not enjoying is one of the hardest for me. Slogging through something I don’t like makes me less likely to read, and yet I really don’t like the idea that I’ve abandoned a book after however many hours of read time.

You’re talking about people who already think all brown people are scary and that immigrants are taking their jobs. Logic has already left the conversation.

It’s an active campaign to breed distrust in the media and full trust in him. It’s what dictators do almost without fail. Because if two sides are telling two totally different stories, one must be lying. He can’t just say, “We had some people in line, which was nice.” He has to tell you it was a massive,

Why are you wrong.

You’ve got some terrible BBC back catalog to catch up on.

Santiago Cabrera is also in this, which feels like an important PSA for people who are attracted to hot men.

And she wanted to use a song called “Chained to the Rhythm” to make this statement?

I feel like Cumberbatch was in a similar spot just due to over-saturation, and taking some time out to do theatre did help.

That butt.

I think the third book tries to impress us with her workaholic nature by explaining that she read books while on her honeymoon that her publishing company was thinking of publishing. She read — in her spare time. She’s basically Carnegie.

The author inserted herself into the piece in some definitely uncomfortable ways. Like, who are you? Why is your opinion on this so important?

I guess I’m more weirded out in general by the idea of an interview having to take place over a series of days where it sounds like you spend HOURS with somebody you don’t know. The profiles that come out of these always sound nuts anyway.

I feel like people are leaving out the fact that this was a forth of July weekend, and everyone was blitzed.

You really need to read the article. There’s an explanation for it. And it’s glorious.

You have to wander into a park, find a disco ball chained sadly to a bench, and plug in your headphones to hear a sample?

Most of the gossip I’ve heard around Kerr is that she’s actually quite mean and didn’t get along with the other VS models that well. But I feel like every beautiful famous women is accused of being boring and/or mean. So who knows.