Pope Alexander

Please fuck off.

I thought I hated the invisibility. Now that I’m losing weight I want it back. I’d rather be invisible (and healthy and fit) than feel like I do now: which is like an object and a toy.

The very, very dark cynical part of me who’s seen Postcards from the Edge is having a very hard time not at least considering this suspicious. I know it’s bad, feel free to dogpile, etc.

He’s not necessarily traditionally handsome either. But he’s got a sexy ruggedness I dig.

Well, arguably FitBit should at least try to woo current Pebble fans/customers just for the sake of business loyalty.

Yeah, Donald Trump is a garbage human but a 10 year old child still has a right to privacy.

I like the idea that clowns hire clown prostitutes.

For fuck’s sake. Beyond the cruelty, she had to know that wasn’t even remotely true. Why the fuck would you say that to a child?

Regarding my weight:

Yeah... the one part of this that reeks of sour grapes (other than kicking a recovering alcoholic while he’s down) is that whether she likes it or not, Jon Hamm is very funny when he wants to be funny.

A lot of the time it’s not even that they’re hot — it’s that if they say something just shocking enough that it’s slightly unbelievable and it’s easier to process it as a “joke” or just “so that guy,” rather than calling him out. Because nobody could be that brazen on purpose, right? And then they prey on the female

When Logan and William have shot or stabbed other hosts, they’ve bled — which I believe the Man in Black also said that hosts couldn’t do when he started coming to the park.

Except that the Man in Black has said at least once that he came to the park when the androids were still mechanical.

We sent them away for a reason.

The thing I really don’t get when men make this argument is that they don’t even try to pretend that they get harassed too and just “deal with it.” Like they aren’t even trying to say that it’s something “everyone” has to deal with and women are just wimps.

This Trump stuff has made me a little angrier than normal the last few days, but otherwise I’m fine-ish. I can see ‘the person’ moving on to another victim now that I seem to have frozen him out just enough, and the feeling of helplessness at not being able to warn her without looking “vindictive” is driving me a

I dunno, man. Sociopaths and narcissists can be really, really good at adapting their personalities and behaviors to suit individual people.

I mean, let’s also at least consider the fact that the kind of woman who *would* marry Trump is very likely to be a misogynist herself.

Yep. And often — not always, but often — they will specifically target women who won’t be believed. So the immediate response of “Look at her!” was planned from the start.