She does seem pretty nice.
She does seem pretty nice.
Well, unlike with Robbie Cox’s melanin certainly helps sell the lie. I weep for my crepe-y skin.
Keira Knightley’s age seemed to stall out for a few years there.
What’s interesting is that Olivia Wilde talked about how she was told — at 28 — that she was too old to play Robbie’s part in The Wolf of Wall Street, but it sounds like Robbie is older than her anyway.
I too do not believe she’s 25, but we should also consider that the Australian sun is a hell of a drug.
Yeah. I mean, maybe he’s a great dude. But I just get the feeling that he’s a sad middle-aged man desperately trying to pretend that he’s still 25.
Selena Gomez seems like the Kidz Bop version of his ex-wife.
I do, too, but then I spent all day looking flat-chested but feeling amazing and decided the latter was more important to me.
I’m fairly sure Woody Allen’s market is entirely nebbish men and cool girls, so.
I kept fast-forwarding through the “falling in love” moments, and then realized there was no actual plot and turned it off.
Right? Like I understood the argument that they both (he and Marianne) needed to learn to live in the present, and their presents were ultimately different, but... surely it would’ve made sense if he’d found a modern-day Marianne, rather than just some kid who worked at a record shop.
The horrible thing about Allen is that he does seem to respect and enjoy smart women — but ultimately doesn’t really want to fuck ‘em.
Crucially, they’re happy to cast out actors who are assholes for *them* to work with — namely the male producers, directors, studio heads, etc. So when this person is rude to them, it’s a pretty quick blacklisting.
Emma and Colin looked so incredibly ill at ease trying to play their characters as love interests. I can’t believe they went through with it.
I support her right to look miserable on red carpets and to think press junkets are stupid but... she is the ultimate ‘Cool Girl.’
The beautiful irony for assholes who claim we must“separate the artist from the art” when it comes to Woody Allen is that... you’re still left with a whole lot of ‘art’ in which an old man likes to fuck very young girls.
I am an aughts teen, so no?
I did not go to high school with this girl.
Yep. The number of people I’ve known with eating disorders who transitioned into veganism is a bit uncomfortable.