Pope Alexander

I hate-read Mimi Thorisson’s mommy/cooking blog on a somewhat regular basis. It’s so deliciously ridiculous and over-the-top that I get a strange kind of pleasure from watching her pretend that every second of her life is a well-cropped masterpiece of aesthetic charm.


Yep. And even if they did instigate, at the end of the day it wasn’t their marriage to choose to protect or ruin. The narrative of the evil little nanny is ridiculous for a lot of reasons, but mostly because your nanny didn’t stand up in a church and promise not to fuck other people in front of your grandma and best

“How great is my husband for not fucking the nanny?” is a sentence I never expect to have to say with a straight face.

Yeah, that part seems like bullshit. Eva’s still a brat, but I don’t believe for a second that the text was an accident.

I have no interest in shaming her for plastic surgery, but I would be annoyed if she was getting paid to promote a shitty product by pretending to get offended about being asked about said alleged plastic surgery.

“Bro, someone asked if I was Dutch or Scottish the other day and it, like, really hurt bro. Because everybody knows I’m Finnish on my Mother’s side from like 4 generations ago. Yeah, we’re on Ancestry.com.”

There’s also an aspect of protesting too much where I’m just left wondering if her husband isn’t burning the whole thing down to hide the evidence.

By which he means Hollywood trailer, or?


I love how these comments always come from people who aren’t actually affected by the issue at hand. Nobody wants to hear what you have to say about the affects of insidious racism, bro.

On the other hand, it sets you up for the perfect comeback before you hit them.

The cynic in me agrees that this reads like a sneaky Proactiv ad.

I have to say I think the protest fever has died quite a bit.

The way Hae’s life and death were treated by the podcast and its fans remains bizarre to me. Whether or not you think Adnan is guilty, this girl is still dead and that death is still a tragedy.

Someone recently put up a chart showing that the age gap between male and female profs at SFU has gotten worse in the last 15 years. So they may be respected but they’re not paid.

That’s the weirdest part — SFU is meant to be full of radical socialist hippies.

It’s a great school with great teachers who deserve better than shit like this.

Also, why are they envouraging and laughing at the prospect of faculty sleeping with students?

It felt like someone’s awkward boomer dad trying to be PC. Ultimately cringey and unfortunate, but, you know, they tried.