Breathless question: do you buy your socks in 8-packs, or 12?
"No natural looks."
All this and an Eccleston icon? Can I marry you? Or at least join your effortlessly chic harem?
There have been a couple of different Canadian shows that act more as documentaries following several people through their weight loss journeys at home. They were popular and didn't require the participants to nearly kill themselves.
I assume it's mostly just magical bubble baths.
If it helps, it didn't feel that Fincher-y to me.
The grandest of ironies is that the whole point of the book/movie is to show the way America loves rallying around pretty white pregnant ladies even when reality doesn't fit that simplistic narrative. Like it is actually mocking Lifetime movies/every Nancy Grace episode.
Yeah, this book could have easily been titled: Every MRA Fearmongering Tactic Is Real
I remember where I was the day Jezebel commenters told me cheesecake was a pie.
I'm thinking a fleet of detached phantom penises.
Stop holding my son accountable for his actions when you won't hold yourself accountable for existing!!
I like how he immediately contradicts every single statement he makes.
Fwiw, Jennifer Grey called bullshit on this recently and said that he occasionally lost patience with her, but they weren't blood rivals and goofed off and had fun as much as they had the occasional argument/disagreement.
Yes. This interview was so, so cute.
Yes. This interview was so, so cute.
To be fair, what else would you expect from the daughter of Melanie Griffiths and Don Johnson?
Yeah, exactly. I mean, Dakota's problem is overcoming the idea that she's just getting roles because of who her parents are. And perhaps she thought a lead role in something risque would make her seem serious. But this project (which she may have learned after she signed on) is the opposite of that.
FWIW, in interviews they seem to be more mutually embarrassed by the project, but comfortable with one-another.