I also can't get over the screencap from the "You could just get fat" discussion where he says he's just trying to advocate personal responsibility.
I also can't get over the screencap from the "You could just get fat" discussion where he says he's just trying to advocate personal responsibility.
Yet, nothing is done about sexual assault, short of blaming the "attacker," a guy who was likely as drunk as his "victim." [...] If drunk women who have sex are able to claim "rape," why aren't drunk men alleviated of responsibility for the poor decisions they make?
Nah, best of luck. Hopefully I can read your things at another place.
I'm a CurlyGirl and I can confidently say I've never spent more time caring for and cleaning my hair (properly).
Yes, of course. Victoria's Secret heat wand curls = good. My jew fro = bad.
Yeah, I guess the blow-out + curling wand is a different story. But I feel like women are seen less seriously when it looks like they put a lot of thought into their appearance in a way that stands out.
And isn't curly hair usually associated with being less professional and less organized?
I mean, given the way they'd set everything up in the final season, it was obvious that they weren't prepared for him to leave. The dynamic he had with Lord Grantham in terms of the generational and class divide between them added something that the show was missing almost instantly once he left.
Pffft. Sean Bean as Mellors or GTFO.
He had some pretty pro-feminist things to say, FWIW.
Patton also often understands the impact of what he's saying and will kind of admit he does it to shit-disturb. Ricky seems sort of like a first-year college student who just discovered atheism.
What a time to be white.
I think the real problem is that this was after Christina had done Dirty, so it wasn't quite the same as lil' Virginal Britney.
Damnit! I made a Teddy Roosevelt joke, too.
Pffft. You can't prove that Teddy Roosevelt and Grover Cleveland never hit the sheets. They seem kinky.
She looks a bit like a brunette January Jones.
How does time work where you are?
Does Rebecca have to fight Kat Dennings now?