Pope Alexander

She's dismissed both threads and she edited her article to make it appear that she addressed her own proliferation of selfies.

One should probably acknowledge that they are a part of it, though.

So are you going to stop posting your selfies to Twitter, Erin?

No — I've now corrected it.

You're right — I did add a collection of actual selfies below this post.

Right? I'm having a hard time believing that this is a solely female issue when my Twitter and Instagram are covered in men *and* women posting pictures of themselves.

So are you going to stop posting your selfies to Twitter, Erin?

I think she'd probably say Elizabeth, but at the same time she's damn smart for keeping Hasslebeck on the show for as long as she did.

As beautiful as he was when he was young, older Gregory Peck really does it for me.

The pants want what the pants want, man.

Our moment has come, white people!

I feel really stupid for not realizing that he's Jewish.

And Shakespeare wept.