I like that his misogyny blinds him so much that he can't even recognize that Mary Anne is burning him to a crisp in this debate and he comes off as whiney, wimpy, childish and irrational.
I like that his misogyny blinds him so much that he can't even recognize that Mary Anne is burning him to a crisp in this debate and he comes off as whiney, wimpy, childish and irrational.
What I find so amazing is the way that McInnes talks about the pains of being an alpha male, in a way that makes it sound like he'd rather not do it, and then says, "But ladies are miserable having to fulfill these roles!"
If it was 1999, maybe that person would have put it in Livejournal, or in a newspaper column, or written your then-bf letters or postcards or she/he'd show up at his/her work. Crazy is crazy.
The more frustrating thing, for me, is the feeling that to be a writer I need to have all of these platforms running and regularly updated in order to generate any kind of interest or traffic in my work. Yet at the same time, being so accessible can be damaging to my "real" job.
You're making as much of a leap as I am.
The first book came out in 2005.
I see you, 2010 Twihard moms.
I did definitely visit Pistoia! Are you getting married at the ACTUAL DUOMO???
For the first time in my life I'm living in a neighborhood where people actually catcall. For years I had no idea what the big deal is. Now I feel like I can't walk around my own streets without my boyfriend there beside me. It suuucccckkkksss.
It bums me out so hard that the bestselling MAC shades are all just different variations of beige. I want color back in my life!
1) At least she got a full-body shot.
He's actually doing surprisingly well, but he just has a few lingering habits like that.
Yeah, and I notice way more leather with little to no branding.
Yeah, part of the weird thing is that you don't feel like she's a "fresh new talent," you feel instead like she's somebody who's been on the periphery for some time now and never quite broken through. Which, I suppose, is what she is.
Yep — her biggest crime is showing how much she wants it and how hard she's worked. If she were a male star, it would be called integrity and fortitude. Because she's a woman, it's desperation.
That sounds about right. It also seems like, with Sephora's takeover of North America, people are just in brand overload right now, whereas MAC used to be the one fun, non-stuffy brand at the mall.
lmao. Yes, sometimes I take a second to consider that it could be a poltergeist and get excited.
I feel like it's a mental thing where someone figures, "Well, I didn't take the *last* of it."
Yep yep yep. I used to wear a really pretty purple eyeshadow every day. And I remember very clearly somewhere around 2008 putting it on and just thinking it looked "wrong." And I looked on all the magazine covers and realized that bare lids were everywhere.
I feel extremely conflicted about this. On the one hand, I don't want to buy into the idea that she's too "old," because that's ridiculous — she's 29, not 60.