Also I feel guilty for being the only person in this thread without a Simpsons-themed name. Maybe you guys can call me “Johnny Deformed” while I’m here?
Also I feel guilty for being the only person in this thread without a Simpsons-themed name. Maybe you guys can call me “Johnny Deformed” while I’m here?
I rigged something like that for my home setup (this rack) - just a couple of platforms to put under the bench and when I fail the bar is just touching my chest.
Another nice thing about a home gym is that the equipment you own (particularly if you buy it used) really doesn’t lose much value (especially compared to gym fees, which are just GONE). And if you’re patient - and willing to drive a bit - you can get some GREAT deals on equipment.
Yeah, that stood out to me too. Basically it means that you’re playing with fire anytime you tackle high. Wonder if it has any implications for tackling players with long hair; my understanding was that hair is considered to be part of the uniform.
I wonder if a team composed only of the best players (from past and present) named Brown would be better than a team composed of the best players (from past and present) from the Cleveland Browns.
Sounds like somebody just finished reading Quarantine.
Nah, go to the shit store and sell it.
Ah yes. Ryan FitzPatrick Bateman. Pretty much the “boy next door”.
Yeah, what’s going on? Is Goodell on vacation and he put the intern Dave in charge or something?
Stop trying to trick me into thinking I have dyslexia.
It’s not a “sport”. It’s theater. Physically intense, athletically impressive theater, but theater nonetheless.
Until his paycheck is late one week, when he’ll snarkily retitle it “Paying Your Bills”.
On the lower right, does that say “Dauntless” or “Pantsless”? Cause it would break my heart if “Pantsless” only got two votes. Similarly, it would break my heart if “Dauntless” got any.
“What an amazing ending! So much excitement!” - Positive-Man
There sure is, and that is BECAUSE IT IS FUCKING DELICIOUS!
This news must be really jarring for his teammates.
Don’t you get an extra point or something for a long range shot in water polo?
According to this guy the REAL talent of basketball greats lies in “being able to grow taller” than other players.
Since when did it become accepted to refer to a “post” on a blog as a “blog”?
“I was under this microscope...” - Jameis Winston