ok. it's fly.
ok. it's fly.
I'd take her name. Scandal is a hot show.
Agree to disagree.
Farther than chris kluwe
How far can you punt a football?
My Xbox One really has revolutionized how I consume media. I was washing the dishes and wanted to listen to Pandora. So, with my voice (and continuing to wash dishes in the other room) I was able to turn on my Xbox (which also turned on my receiver and tv), open Internet Explorer and browse to Pandora. And, since…
The space between the door and the frame is vertical. If she turned the camera, you wouldn't see any more of the wolfdog.
I don't know what else the Russians could have expected when they built the hotels out of straw and sticks.
Blue Ash is going to be wrong, as miniature horses are used as service animals. They last longer than service dogs and, well, are amazing.
Yea, that period after the civil war when the blacks were lynching white folk? We never were held accountable for that. And when we redlined and bankrupted your community to inflate our primary assets? Total dick move. And don't even get me started on those HBCUs and their exclusionary policies. Dude, you ever…
Everyone in this thread gets stars except fuck face up top.
Us white men do get along with each other. It's just you "other" people that we can't stand. That would include women, African Americans, Asians, Southeast Asians, Arabs, Jews, Africans, Indians, Native American Indians, Catholics, the Poors, and self-hating liberals.
I, for one, would like to talk about the white on white crime rate. White crime victims are overwhelmingly likely to be victimized by another white person. Let's talk about that! Clearly, there is something wrong in their culture and communities that makes this white on white crime thing happen.
You fucking moron.
Ahhh yes, cause all roads lead back to black on black crimes, no exceptions.
Because when Black teens are shot by Black teens, they are normally convicted of murder in a court of law and can't claim they are threatened by an unarmed black teen.
Jessica is the BEST. Hiring her was an excellent decision and I'm glad she's finding success on the Daily Show with apt sociopolitical commentary and also thriving in other opportunities!
However, the video that's being posted by TMZ Sports is not the complete event, but is merely the end result of what transpired.
Guess I'll need to unplug my WeMo from my 10,000w electric blow torch incinerator. Always thought that might have been a bad idea.