
A close male pal of mine had a bunny for awhile. He has thick-rimmed glasses, rides a fancy bike and likes super twee music. He generally dates girls who are similar, and treats them well. His rabbit's name was Bun Iver. Best BELIEVE that girls were into that. It's not the bunny ruining things for the author of this

Was this the girl who ran away screaming? If so, he may have a point...

Theory: This man's bunny is actually psychic and is warning women away from dating this man. Excellent work, young bunny! Keep trying to scare them off, and if all else fails and it seems like they will have sex with him, keep running into the room and giving the "Danger! Danger!" sign.

I never thought Sheryl Crow would be this desperate to promote an album.

A buddy of mine's dad has a place near the golf course where Couples lives.
Apparently he has lace-less slip-on golf shoes on his porch and, after smoking a few "morning cigars," he just hops in his cart and joins whatever group happens to be playing past his house. Oddly, no one has complained despite the routine

Jizz. In. My. Pants.

Dogs should be allowed EVERYWHERE.

Uuuuugggghhhh! Adorable as they are, wild animals are WILD ANIMALS! And don't get shots.

Eh the guy said something stupid, realized it was stupid, then responded quiet gentlemanly to the responses against him. Cut the man some slack

Damn. And your completely reasonable response makes me feel like a jerk now.

Of course he didn't forbid any future jokes about it. The next week, Madonna concluded her performance of "Bad Girl" by shouting "Fight the real enemy!" and ripping up a picture of Joey Buttafuoco. It killed.

I actually love this so much. I think it's in line with Savage/Santorum-ing. I'm impressed that Miley would engage in such a big FU to the GOP. Because, seriously, FU GOP.

Nope- What I wrote was stupid.

Yeah, what I said was pretty stupid- I'll cop to that.

Just because abusive behavior by authority figures was normalized back then doesn't make it right

Nope! But I have a horror story. One guy I talked to one there was really weird. To the point that I may have been talking to him only to amuse myself. I was more cruel then. Anyways.

I went to one of those (second wedding for both bride and groom) and honestly it was cool as hell. Whoever your partner is, y'all do y'all and forget what anyone else might think!

So, this is only tangentially connected, but what is the general consensus of a "potluck" wedding? Like, you're poor, you want to invite a bunch of friends to come celebrate in your back yard, and you ask people to bring some eats or booze instead of a pricey gift. Is this weird/does it violate the concept of "if you

*Adele is working on a new album, and the rumor is she sounds "even better than before," *

"But the intersecting point between two tangential circles is supposed to be infinitely small without any mass..."
/rolls over in his grave
/gives Isaac Newton the finger