Three more and Neil Young can write a song.
Three more and Neil Young can write a song.
Ha! Well if any residents of Kirkwood want to fight about it, I’m right here!
Uphill. Both ways.
I imagine Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the other film I seriously wanted to see in 4DX but didn’t, would have been fun but not as punishing.
+1 (or -1)
All these guys acting like a good backup QB is a bad thing now instead of a luxury every team wishes for. I’m sure Oakland was stoked to start Connor Cook in the playoffs. Good thing they signed EJ Manuel so they never get embarrassed like that again!
Would the name of a quarterback who is simultaneously underqualified and overqualified for every NFL team be “Schrodinger’s Kaep”?
What a bicycle kick!
If this happened against me in FIFA 17, that disc would get snapped in two.
“You call that losing your shit?”
There is a difference between meadow and normal height. My neighbor mows 2-3 times a week while I get mine about once every 7-10 days. Mine looks better (albeit shaggier) than his because he cuts it too low. recommend 3" height for water retention, weed prevention, and thatch health. 3" is a lot longer than most…
arrested at 3am, booked at 7am
I’d bet $100 he’s driven this couple mile route from his restaurant to home drunk 100+ times. Further, I’d bet he’s been pulled over drunk on this route a couple times and let off.
Al Swearingen and Mr. Wu fined $39.8 million using the same scale.
Not trying to make it about me
The MLS, where both Kaká is paid and the pay is caca.
Ex-pro/current coach here. The guys earning that are young and single, for the most part, so don’t have a lot of expenses otherwise. Most clubs do help with housing, either paying rent outright in some cases, or getting them a good deal. Also many of the young players will share housing. The Red Bulls/NCYFC guys also…
CR7 was non existent for long stretches of the game and his finishing touches were horrible. Almost all of them were off balance pokes
He actually said four minutes, which says a lot.