Alas, poor Nacho

Well lift my leg....so how long has it been there figuratively?

Don’t you know that military honors, like Judaism, are inherited from the mother’s side?

counterpoint: look at this fucking nonsense.

Fortunately for my kids—and for my fine china-delicate peace of mind, believe you me—Vin, our mailman, the best Highlights delivery machine imaginable, recovered from his recent bout with lockjaw. Of course, there’s no bringing Li’l Cujo–who knew a name could spell out one’s fate so precisely? –back from the

This is one in an ongoing series where HamNo examines the butthole of Brooklyn moms and is surprised to find shit.

Ah, but the servant waits... while the master baits. *giddy look*

“Today he made his first start in a competitive game for the club, in a DFK Pokal match against fellow Bundesliga club Augsburg. ”


Now playing

She needs to play Stone Cold’s glass breaking entrance theme when she takes the stage.



The Gronk agrees

Heh Heh, you said...69...nice.

I’m reasonably sure your job doesn’t involve eating vitamin Pb.

Then don’t get hammered in potentially unsafe conditions?

20 yards per attempt. Osweiler would love to have those numbers.

No. Basically, online cheaters are scumbags, and they ruin the experience for everyone else. Fuck cheaters.

I have the emotional depth required to feel sorry for someone and still make a joke in an internet comment section. Take your fake concern elsewhere. You brought it to the wrong place.

C’mon Patrick.....he’s just pouring himself a Budweiser.