Alas, poor Nacho

The match in 10 days between the Jets and Brown is already been billed as The Resistable Force versus The Moveable Object.

Well folks, it finally happened. The NRA warned us all but I didn’t believe them. Last night as I was watching the debate there was a knock on my door. This startled me since I didn’t buzz anyone up. Maybe it was a neighbor who needed something? I ask who is it as I check the peephole and it was President Obama! At

“Malarkey” wasn’t a malapropism. JFK’s use of “hamburger” is a famous political malapropism, but “malarkey” was correct for the circumstances.

“And THIS beauty right here used to belong to Rommels!”


You’re a bonehead. 25 is plenty fast enough for congested city streets.

You give jokes a bad name.

Monarchies are built on bloodshed.

Not anymore, the rematch was pretty good.

“Tim Tebow Saves First Base For Marriage”

“Who’s that?”

i wouldnt pass the physical, so black guys it is.

How the fuck is this moron a followed commenter and I was just banished back to the grays with no explanation?

Boston is notoriously racist.

Leonard Cohen? That’s the guy who wrote the song for the sexy Watchmen sex scene right?

This is awful. But if anyone can come back from this, it’s this guy.

“Have you guys not heard?”

(They’re the good guys here.)

The Big 12 should throw Houston a life perseverer and let them in.
