Bojangle’s > Popeyes > KFC
Bojangle’s > Popeyes > KFC
That was just a cricket leg in Trump’s hair. He found out he really, really loves Oaxacan food. He just started pigging out on the chile-lime flavored fried crickets. I mean I don’t blame him, they’re a hell of a lot better than taco bowls.
Prop(ositioning a minor) bets!
I’d rather watch this than the draft.
I was talking about sports.
This isn’t relevant to the discussion of traffic on controlled access freeways, which almost never have a significant number of non-car road users. Urban driving has a different set of congestion challenges. This also ignores the fact that bicycles, regardless of whether they ride sanely, take up far less space than…
Glad you made the jump to Deadspin.
Just called @jenbielema to check in. She is looking for answers to crime scene. These two claim to know nothing #WPS
All that white shit. That’s Teddy Bridgewater’s knee.
Should have went with Dead-Knee Bridgewater. It was right there!
Sadly, not the first bridge/water to suffer structural damage in Minnesota.
I’ll let the other fan know...
Time to call up the Jets
It’s five o’clock somewhere.
That must be one deep fucking pocket.
RIP Teddy Bridgewater
Apparently the knee couldn't handle all the weight from teddys little friend
I am not an engineer, but I have those cool blue & white striped overalls they wear. Choo choo, motherf*****!
In case you haven’t seen the gif of Magary’s ninja skills.