Alas, poor Nacho

Still the second least embarrassing Degrassi reference for Candians

You should have seen the Netherlands do this same trick with two guys.

Ah, it’s stuff like this that makes me realize how little women really understand about the male sex drive. Just turn it off. Sure thing Tara. How cute. Did you ever think the reason you, I, or most everyone reading this are here at all is because some guy was thinking with his dick? Consider yourself blessed Tara and

Yeah...no, thanks.

No, because she inevitably tells me it’s time I start getting my wife to pop out babies. Which leads to me thinking about my dick.

with great dick, comes great responsibility.

She replaced a teammate named May with one named April?

It’ll be funny if somebody wearing a tape asterisk is caught juicing.

*deep breath* Okay. Three things I’ve learned from playing & studying doubles volleyball for a good number of years:

You got kids, NCA? Because that’s a quality dad joke.

If this means DUAN turning into an all-week Sabado Gigante, I'm down.

When you started writing this post the trucks were blue weren’t they?

You could always try breaking up with her linens and seeing if they write a song about it.

It’s all Univision’s Deadspin, now.

I would love a pile of Taylor Swift’s linens...just to smell them. You know, nothing creepy.

Seriously, how good, in general, are the Olympic commentators? Not the network shills, but the various experts. Take this dive. She gasped audibly before he’d even left the board, recognizing major issues with the dive. I’m continually impressed at how skilled the commentators are at recognizing, in fractions of a

I’m amazed at how quickly the color commentator realized the dive was done for. Like, at the very moment he takes off, she’s already gasping.

i wish I could unsee her Saarlac pit

Papelbon’s gonna be in so much trouble when Trump’s “Speak English” program kicks in.