Lipping out those two putts and then losing close must be quite emotionally taxing for Mickelson.
Forgot one record: Largest golf payout for Sweden since Elin’s divorce settlement.
Is it possible that ... he actually is so white that it’s contagious? Maybe there *were* several African-Americans and Latinos in the group, but after repeated Ryan exposure, they TURNED WHITE?
Like dress up day at Gawker Media.
It breaks my heart to see Foxtrot Alpha slump to this level. This is just regurgitated cable news, not the wonderfully in-depth work of Mr. Rogoway.
I’d like to call Mark Wahlberg to tell him how painfully meh Ballers is. A show with Dwayne Johnson and Rob Corddry as leads is bland and mostly unfunny. And good lord, the portrayal of women. Bechdel is rolling over in her grave.*
*I know she’s not dead.
I thought it was just to confirm that he could use “Good Vibrations” as the theme for the new “Parkinson’s is not caused by CTE” campaign.
Oh? Please enlighten me as to what my problem is.
If Trump becomes president, we will know that at no point in the future does time travel get invented, because if they don't come back to stop that, then...
R.U.A. Moron would be a great wrestling name.
At which point Nintendo will reveal the NX, which will be basically Google Glass for catching pokemon.
They had time to process Jones sample taken on the same day, and pretend they just got Lesnar’s results. They knew this all along, but couldn’t pull both of the card.
Wrestling is fake you moron.
Nintendo owns Pokemon, all the characters, and all the trademarks. It is a 100% Nintendo owned franchise. They have a stock sharing structure for “The Pokemon Company”, the company that manages the business side of things, with Game Freak (the 3rd party developers) and Creatures, Inc (the licensing company for the…
Fifteen years ago Brock was picked up for possession of steroids in Kentucky. During a Real Sports interview he became angry when questioned about steroids and refused to answer questions. I live by the principle that if an athlete does something that is “superhuman” chances are he or she took something to make…
This is my surprised face.
I was more surprised when I found out that hot, local singles won’t bang me tonight.
Alas, poor Nacho does not comprehend that Snorlax does not wake for government mooks. I only inferred on the civilians.