Alas, poor Nacho

Unfortunately for Peta Todd, his MO is to let others do the work for the first several hours and then blow his wad with only a few seconds of actual work.

Did we talk about Cav’s wife yet? She came across my desk earlier, lordy.

Et tu Brut-eh?

Not for the 1st time,

If there has ever beeb a better conjunction of user name and post, I’d like to see it.

Always carry a chain for those surly bicyclists!

I like playing Pokemon but I need to feel like a man while doing it. We need an article about the manly things we have done to get our Pokemon.

Sometimes, some crimes go slipping throguh the cracks,

Sophia Vergara...threw...a lemon party??

It is the Supreme Overlord of Planet Treyf.

I know their names sound similar, but Pelé and Pellé are two players of completely different quality. Looks like this team may have confused the two. I don’t blame them, though. God knows Chinese people can struggle with the letter “L.”


That’s low-hanging fruit

I’d come out as Moms Mabley.

You can tow the Mustang out of the crowd, but it takes a lot longer to pick what’s left of the crowd out of the Mustang.

I say this to my husband every winter. I don't understand how men can resist constantly pissing their own names in the snow. I'd absolutely have a penis for a day just to write my name in the snow.

I’ve also seen my kids nail my husband in the pills on several non-consecutive occasions. Seems best avoided, bridge pissing notwithstanding.

What rock do you live under and are there any Onyx there with you?