Alas, poor Nacho

I haven’t seen someone enjoy this many Cardinal losses since Henry VIII.

Hell, why not take the “female” out of it? I’d say she’s got a case for it. At the very least, she’s certainly the greatest athlete currently playing in any sport.

I think he was just poking fun at the 140 character limit on Twitter, which makes difficult to finish a full, deep thought on a serious matter...

I think he might've been joking?

I’m really hoping it’s as DH.

You shut your whore mouth !

It’s baseball with no foul territory and only two bases, both of which are home plate.

TOs aren’t easy to deal with.

Here is a comprehensive list:

From the rule book:

Imploded their economy? Where the fuck do you come up with this bullshit?

Sore throat = death?

Wither the HOT FUCKIN STOVE? Does Ken Rosenthal no longer throw shit on the wall?

I guess this means that Bosh is only a heartbeat away from leaving the Heat too.

They said the same to Amelia Earhart... Or they would, you know.

They’ve got more juice stored in their body though, so it’s okay.

Seems to me that this is a senseless waste of energy on an arduous climb. I mean, those batteries in their hidden motors only have so much juice.

This has so much less to do with the size of the field and so much more to do with the depth of defensive talent in Europe (and lack of offensive talent). The problem Euro had was that we had the fake Copa America tournament to compare it to. Nobody in South America defends so that tourney was filled with games that

There have been four 0-0 draws in 49 games and none since the group stages. I thought this was a pretty great tournament other than a few lackluster matches. Wales-Potugal was disappointing but I watched the god awful New York “daaaarby” before France-Iceland. definitely made me appreciate this tournament.