Alas, poor Nacho

Here I sit,

Of course he can vothe.

You know you’ve got quite the list when the rapist is probably the best person on it.

For fuck sake. Schools can waste money on bullshit like this but can’t give the players money? Just give all the players a $100 bill. EVERYONE would be happier. Except maybe Jostens.

You obviously mis-read that sentence.

It makes sense that Iceland’s manager is a part - time dentist. It seems those guys are just talented at murdering helpless lions.

At least that damn ship hit SOMETHING. That free kick didn't hit a damn thing!

Here’s three obvious ones for you:

At least he tries to win. Something I can’t say about Loria.

You magnificent, heartless bastard.

Hulk Hogan?

I’ve told you a million times not to exaggerate...

This is, without hyperbole, the most terrifying decision I think I’ve ever faced.

To be fair, 3.5 million pounds is going to be like 8 bucks in a couple of weeks.

I think Sterling should have been benched after the first game and they should have started Rashford. He is young, but he actually drives towards the goal.

Which is the largest club out of those? I'd guess Swansea or udinese. No huge ones, that's for sure

And they’d still only pick the English…

Lionel Messisson

2 million Brits have already written a petition to let them back into the Euros

Can we list the countries that are better at soccer than England?