Alas, poor Nacho

I would love to see players do that this weekend, just to force the league to fine them with decisiveness.

Poor historical math. I'm pretty sure backs are counted as 3/5 of a person.

I think we all agree that this is a culture thing, people are likely to discipline as they themselves have been disciplined. It's just that I don't know what impact it's going to have to make a 1-year old give back her Heisman.

Ray Rice on marital relationships: Use the left

As much as we all love Buddy Ryan, Wolfman Rob has got to be the bastard son of John Bonham, doesn't he?

what are you in, pointy nose?

Phew, thank god they kept that uber-distraction Michael Sam off an active roster, huh guys?

I object! I reiterate on behalf of all the Jets losers fans, fuck Doug Brien.

There 'you people' go, throwing that rainbow in our face again. Can't you let us normal people alone without having to hear about your lifestyle choice in every football story?

-Against the Patriots, Eli Manning is a two-time Super Bowl winner. Against the other 28 teams he is a three-time league leader in most interceptions thrown.

The Internet... not just for porn anymore.

I remember being at a real cold game at the Meadowlands. The warmest place was in the men's room, because it's 80% humidity due to all the pissing. I'm at one of the 20 urinals in a row, line 8 deep behind each one, when the stadium announcer says "Tackle made by number 51, Bryan Cox." There is nothing like 150

Doesn't make it better. :(

I won't overstate that playoff game. However...

@Michael - I have several points for you.

That reminds me, I need a new Dillon Aero calendar. My last one... um... wore out.

Valar Mor-goooooooooooool-is

Wait, you started drinking with your pants on? Amateur.

Corn Maze to Tony Stewart: "Thanks, Captain Crunch."

I know hockey bros always have to be tougher than the other athletes, especially soccer, but maybe one-upping them at diving wasn't the best way to show it.