Alas, poor Nacho

"When do we get to pet the bunnies, George. This puppy isn't playing anymore."

The middle section was outstanding. What does it take to get you out of the greys?

So... is this Drew's way of saying we're getting Night Ranger for the halftime spot in the Funbag this week?

Sew be it, Pun War is on!

Well done to get it all out at once and not let it turn into a whole thread. You really cut that off at the knees.

Voltron football would be amazing!

If he doesn't want to get funny looks in his new town he should think about getting a beard.

If Jadaveon is from Pluto, does Steve have an opinion on whether Niel Degrasse Tyson was a little bitch to make Pluto a dwarf planet?

Literally every comment you make is about how someone else isn't funny. Why do you even read the comments?

That's pretty much been their entire Benghazi coverage anyway.

I'm not too bothered by seeing someone get their face beaten in, as long as they are standing in there and continuing to make the choice. What turns me off in UFC matches is when the guy takes 4-5 shots after the knockout blow, before the ref can get in between the two. An unconscious man taking shots to the face is

1: Well Nacho, should we post an obvious Mike Sam joke?
2: No Other Nacho, I don't think we should.
1: Good call.

It's bad enough they let Danica race, now we gotta learn female biology too?

Wow. Just...wow.

Taint right!

I avard you vun Tsar... I mean star.

Oranje you glad you didn't wait for the gong?

Not the first time Hansen has secretly filmed a dangerous predator sniffing around for a young bitch. Bit surprised the wolf didn't have any wine coolers though.

I like the cut of your jib!