
That's a very good point; I'm not sure what to make of that. The only serious/dramatic boy's coming of age stories that I can think of are historical pieces (Igby goes down, The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, Dead Poets' Society, CRAZY...). And in them, the drama is usually not so much about the boys coming to term


Interesting point.

If both were known quantities, I would give up cheese. But they aren't, and I can easily buy cheese for myself and consume it alone in times of stress or relationship trouble...

Maybe that's it.

This joke is played out and nonsensical. It's not as if you would be aware that the vegans who don't tell you about their diet are vegan, so of course "all vegans" (=everyone whose veganism you are privy to) talk about it.

I find those reactions very strange - it borders the religious, as though slipping was destroying some sort of ritual purity.

Nope! I'm about fifteen years in, committed to a choice that I believe to be ethically correct given my circumstances, and I've developped some mean vegetarian cooking skills.

Very good point and very well said.

I have to take issue with the idea that it's necessarily safe for women who aren't taking drugs or alcohol, or who aren't otherwise affected by sleep disorders, to co-sleep.

Runways are places where designers show off their ideas in order to make a name for themselves.

Artistically, it's basically a form of abstract visual art, a bit like an installation that you would see in a museum or gallery. People go to look and be awed. You might enjoy your experience, and you'll probably leave with your eyes more tuned in to the world around you, more ready to notice beauty or strangeness.

No, the West is definitely not unique in that regard (it's not even uniquely bad!).

It's the same thing in Canada too. Apparently, knowing that you are endangering the health of a teenager is hot enough to risk your own health and money.

I think that the problem is that the kinds of inconsiderate (oh the euphemism) douchebags who would contract HIV from prostituted women are likely not to take precautions to avoid infecting partners.

How is that body snarking though? Mocking the bodies of women who have had the procedure would be, sure, but the criticism here isn't about their bodies, it's about the surgeries they choose to undergo.

I always get depressed watching shows from the 60s and 70s. Of course, those decades were home to all kinds of serious social problems that I don't mean to ignore, but it's so refreshing to see human beings looking like actual human beings, and groups of people who were more ethnically diverse than what you see on

I share in your hating.

There is a difference between attacking individual people who get braces and recognizing that it's fucked up that we live in a society where we inflict painful and expensive procedures on the majority of children in order to fix what are, in most cases, perfectly healthy teeth, and where people are taught that

Third-hand information time!