
In many communities it's common for people to have children in their early twenties (and some people in communities where it's not common want to have children at a young for various personal reasons). I assume that for people who marry at 20 or 21 and start to try having children right away, it can quickly becomes

I think that many parents who don't let their children play alone outside don't do it out of paranoia but because there is a genuine lack of safe and accessible open spaces. It's only an option if you have a backyard or if you live somewhere with good walkable streets (sidewalks, proper pedestrian crossing zones, etc).

Two things about the cafeine/miscarriage issue:

I don't find the historical argument for the safety of drinking during pregnancy convincing.

But did she prescribe store-bought beer?

Is there any chance that FAS is under-diagnozed in France? I remember hearing an interesting interview with a public health worker in Scotland (where rates are officially relatively low) who talked about the many adults she encountered in the judicial system who had symptoms pointing towards FAS , but who had never

I'm a person who mostly doesn't like music. As a teenager, I really disliked all music. As an adult, I don't dislike it, and I can admire the complexity of it in an abstract way. There are even a few songs that I enjoy.

Because child services are so swamped that they only step in in situations where children's lives or physical integrity are in fairly immediate danger. So long as Suleman isn't actively abusing her children, and is providing them with the basic necessities of life, she won't really be on their radar.

That's what bothers me so much about every single "Octomom" story. Suleman is clearly very mentally ill. She's trapped and going through measures that she really doesn't want to take because she doesn't know how to avoid them. I don't think that we can talk even about hubris for bad choices in a case like this, where

I think that a lot of that porn is about the idea of non-consent, not about the actual abuse of participants - there is stuff out there produced without real people (written text) or with actors who make it clear that the scenario is fiction and that they are willing to be there. AFAIK it's mostly consumed by people

There seems to be a general consensus here that most of these are not sexy at all.

I think that it depends on the sub-categories you read. I haven't run into that at all yet, though it sounds all too plausible. It's kind of depressing when activities that should just be mutually pleasurable are all about performance.


Not necessarily. There are loving, non-neglectful approaches that differ because they rely on, say, discipline as the central pillar of child-raising. Parents might opt to feed at specific hours, to put the baby to sleep at specific times and for specific durations, until the baby learns to sleep and eat on those

There are many good reasons to allow humans to retrieve babies:

Do you feel bad for his wife, or Bad for his wife?

So as someone with more graduate degrees than life-skills (except for cooking. I can cook), I've been forced to learn to do things for myself the hard way (experimentation and failure, since my parents never taught me and my friends are as skill-less as a I am)... and it's shocking how much fun and how empowering


Welding etc. would still be worth including (I mean, calculus has few practical applications but it expands students horizons and allows those who have them to discover their aptitude or passion for math) but yeah - there is a huge need for the kind of thing you describe.

I'm sorry for the loss of your and your husband's friend.