
Most studies show that coffee either has no health effects or has positive ones. Drink away!

The actor who plays the father is Francophone, but Belgian ([www.imdb.com]). The second-language effect might stem from the switch back and forth between his natural accent and the one he was trying to do for the show. The mother's, well, urgh.

She isn't "thick" compared to the population in general, but she is much bigger than most television actresses.


She is a very impressive artist. I heard an interview with her recently and was really shocked by how much thought she puts into every facet of her her art (until that point I had only ever heard her songs as background music). I love the disparate ideas and styles she brings together, and I'm really looking forward

Levi Johnston looks really good was my main take-away from this article, so I can't judge.

Eh, probably a good way to bring a maligned name back into circulation :).

Antrax is a really lightweight bacteria.

Same age; also never had them, despite taking none of the usual precautions (peeing after sex, etc.). I don't know if its a result of physiology, microflora, or luck, but I'm grateful.

It makes me insanely angry. We're allowing people to destroy the one good treatment for a set of infections that used to ravage (still do in many places) entire populations... for cash.

Lydia is a badass name!

I have a friend whose family gave both daughters a name starting with their mother's name's first syllable, and she loves it. It doesn't come across as egomaniacal (MY name! you are an extension of me!), just as a sweet way to connect everyone together. She's trying to find good names to continue the tradition when

Both sound lovely (Lilias is a gorgeous name!) but for me, the name Leopold definitely evokes King Leopold and all the horrible images that go with it.

Then again, there is something inherently adorable about sullen, sulky fifteen year olds trying to be very serious. So the name might work there too (or be horribly unwelcome!).

The sad truth. I figure that if you get fun of for your name and not something more personal, you win. Plus, kids will just make up a fake name based on whatever they want to tease you about.

I know as many people who hate their common names for being too boring as people who hate their exotic names for being outlandish; I've yet to meet someone who wasn't mocked as a child (if not their name, some other reason invariably comes up).

I've had yeast infections but never UTIs. Apparently the latter has a lot to do with individual anatomy; some women have urethras that are located and shaped in a way that makes infection easy, while others are fairly well protected.

I think that it depends on when the word entered English and on the route it took to get there (Latin via French following migrations, vs words taken directly from Latin texts during the Renaissance or later).

Wow, how did I miss that. Thanks!

Her dress is amazing. Interesting shape (the sleeves! the sleeves!) and fabric, and it seems genuinely like something that you could actually wear comfortably.