
When asked for his rebuttal, Deion avoided contact.

"HNIC," short for "Head Nigger in Charge."

"All the evidence, real and false, was hashed over in the press, until a case could be made for nearly any point of view, depending on what point of view a person wanted to take."

"As a palate cleanser for the last two weeks, please enjoy some stories of terrible customers receiving their just rewards."

Any teen can have a negative sexual experience with a peer. Someone who manipulated, pressed into it, straight up assaulted. But I think, as adults, we forget how starkly the world is divided for teens between peers and adults. It's a bright, glowing line; teens are on side and adults — particularly those with

The headline makes it sound like the kids were left to drink wine in a freezing car for an hour.

I agree. They should have left them at home locked in their crates.

i have spent the entire fifteen years of my working life as a special needs teacher, home therapist, and as a SENCO the last three years. For the first nine years I worked at Johns Hopkins with children who had the most severe forms of autism, and I watched in horror as otherwise intelligent and reasonable parents got

My daughter died in 2011 when she was five from a malignant brain tumor.


Going to buy a dozen pair of lavender gloves and wear them everywhere all the time. I live in Florida. Still doing it.

amazed the cops didn't shoot the waitress.

That obituary was a disgrace, and got the thrashing it deserved on Twitter and in other media (The Australian is a Murdoch paper) yesterday. My fav response with this article imagining the obits of male writers if they were subjected to the same treatment as women.

Huckabee cringes. "Ugh," he says. "I just don't wanna hear that."

Eating a pint of ice cream by yourself is shameful, eating a quart in one sitting is just damn impressive.

The customer is always right! If they tell you to grill it until it's tender, you grill that shit until its fucking tender, asshole!

"I think I'll go check on the freshness of the bread" is officially the greatest euphemism of all time.

"a giant black hole from which no stupidity can ever escape."

Eventually the same girl gets old faster than stale bread, compelling men to cheat.

"Unfortunately a woman's value depreciates over time."