
@14Kgold: I'm 38—so I myself feel like an old for my vivid memory of dancing to this song in clubs. I don't think 38 is *that* old either, but occasionally on the site I feel older when I read all the insightful comments from much younger people.

Diaz went on to say:

@Blarfengar Honeydew (Bunsen): I know. This may be hormonal, but that story about his 911 call was on the news this evening. My five-year-old daughter walked by and said, "Mommy, what happened to that little boy?"

@ytuhermanotambien: And it's so cute when celebrities pretend that they actually eat.

@The HZA.: Not stilettos vs. "kicks?"

So Russell Brand and I have something in common besides large hair. Katy Perry also gives me a migraine.

Why choose an ass hat when you can wear a boob scarf instead?

Um...I think you meant, "amirite?"

Three things:

@ifes: Right on. I wore large, silver hoops (as is my habit) while giving birth.

@airgonaut: A friend of mine has one that says, "My Dissertation is Important." I enjoy both slogans. Congratulations to your Mum—excellent!

I got my third tattoo to commemorate my PhD. It is an inkwell with a Latin inscription.

@gretchasketch: Yes. This would more than explain his affinity for John Mayer. Takes one to know one.

She is very beautiful. And the dress makes her look like she is being swallowed by an earthworm.

Ewoks are loveable and friendly. So...Ewoks 2 O'Reilly 0

When I see a fat chef, I always assume the food is going to be extra good—I don't have the same instant trust of thin chef.

My that's a flashback to 7th/8th grade. I so remember the lace tights and the knotted-scarf hair accessory. Often in neon colors. And the stacks and stacks of rubber bracelets.

@NewsBunny: Hearted for the great picture! This is very much like the recital costumes I wore as a kid.

@cuckoo chanel: I was just thinking that I would be in much better shape if I looked that happy while running.