
I bet John Smith isn’t even that guy’s real name.

I think the standard “Falcons Come from Ahead to Pull Defeat from the Jaws of Victory” sums it up adequately.

I love that you are able to paint a vast variety of people with legitimate concerns about how this court will affect the freedom and liberty of the American people as “liberal whining.”

The Kings defensive corps weren’t called “The Escort Service” for nothing. Oh, for the days of watching Charlie Huddy getting turnstyled again and again.

“Texas Man” trying to catch up with “Florida Man”

But it looks cool at Halloween when pointed up into the trees.

But it looks cool at Halloween when pointed up into the trees.

Ironically, that is the exact conversation that Carolina had with their equipment manager when they signed him as an emergency back-up goalie.

I wore a mascot costume once at a minor league baseball game mascot night. The weird part was the 10 year olds coming up to me and telling me that they could beat me up. I was a 7-foot-tall bulldog.

You guys need to stop tripping over this.

This is such garbage. People could vote for either - they voted for HRC. If you believe that we have an informed electorate, then you have to respect their choice.

Serious answer: I am 6'6" and had the opportunity to play pickup ball against a 6-5 woman who was a D-1 backup center and who played in Europe. I was in my late 30s-early 40s and had played pickup ball for about 20 years, but no HS or college experience.

Anyway, our matchups were pretty fun and competitive, battling

Or, as Troy Fumagalli would call it, a catch.

As a rule of thumb, reporters are generally discouraged from writing about themselves in any way, even when they are part of the story.

Just wanted to ask where was the end of the year love for the Willson Contreras “Sack Dance”

How about the Willson Contreras “Sack” Dance?

Burke performed a medley of  Clapton’s Cocaine & The Lonely Island’s I’m on a Boat. Everyone flipped over it.

I liked Pittsburgh when I came to visit last summer. Plus I had two of the best sandwiches ever there, so there’s that.

I equate him with Phil Jackson. He does enough psychological stuff that helps the team gel, but his in game tactics can, occassionally, leave something to be desired. So, bad manager? No. Human being who made some bad decisions and “Pulled a Homer?” Absolutely.

I had some mixed feelings about it as well. I wondered if maybe that store was his escape from a bad home situation, or something along those lines. I hope it works out for the best for the young man, and kudos to the BB folks for being so thoughtful.

Thanks for expressing so eloquently what I was feeling after reading this.