What part of the word “temporary” are you having trouble understanding? This isn’t over at all.
What part of the word “temporary” are you having trouble understanding? This isn’t over at all.
man, you know what they should do? is get the director of uncharted to make a single-player star wars game . . .
I don’t have a gambling problem, I do have a problem with f2p mechanics in a game which costs money. I’m not an idiot, these things make money so companies will put them in, I get that. I personally won’t buy games that do, and regard the people that buy them and ruin gaming by doing so, as dicks. Not sure what’s hard…
“Look guys, we changed it so it’s less bad. We’re the good guys now!” No you’re fucking not. It’s still a grindfest so you can sell lootboxes. Everyone who pre-orders this/buys this in the first month is a dick for enabling them.
We’re four days away from the first Star Wars video game story since Star Wars Kinect, but few people are talking…
That’s the inspiration, right down to the missions that leaders can do. It’s obviously simplified for board game play, but it has a lot of the elements I love.
This game reminds me a lot of the old video game of the same name which few people probably remember existing. The logo on the box even is slightly reminiscent.
I swear, Fantasy Flight Games is probably one of the best things to have happened to Star Wars in ever.
That doesn’t support the developers, it supports the publishers. The publisher sees “It doesn’t matter how good the game is, people will pay for it anyway, before it even comes out! Why do I need to pay all these developers?”
There is plenty wrong with it.
hmm...yes...yes...I think I understand... ... ...I’ll just kick out anyone who makes fun of my “nerd stuff”
No because preteens and stupid teens think he’s the pinnacle of entertainment.
Yeah, can we please stop holding literally the most influential gaming personality on literally the largest video platform accountable for his constant terrible bullshit? That seems like the decent thing to do, to me, a decent and sensible person
Ah, this makes so much sense. All those black guys who died first in every action or horror movie weren’t pushovers, they were just playing on Legendary.
That’s a fucking bold move.
I was about to type how much I agree then i realized I’d immediately buy GTAIV with enhanced graphics and framerate. I liked it a lot more than GTAV.
Nothing screams confidence in your gameplay like advertising a product to skip it all.
Multiplayer games would be great if it wasn’t for all of those other people playing them!