
If its multi touch, it would have to be OSXI. This will be awesome if it happens but I hope that I will be able to update my own Mac without the touch stuff:/ Gotta wait a while till I get a new Mac.

New Macs, iWork '11, iLife '11, and OS 10.7 Lion.

Great news!

bout time! I hate it when I hear an iPhone text message sound, I check my phone, and it turns out the person across the room got a message. Everybody has an iPhone, Apple!

I use my Slingbox for streaming on my iPhone.

I wanna see Elder Scrolls V on the iOS with the Unreal Engine. It would take up a lot of memory but it would be bad ass.

Watch U-Verse on the phone? Will this be out for the iPhone app as well?

I love this app. I've been depositing checks on the iPhone ever since this came out.

I see why he wears a turtle neck. Come on Steve, can you wear something besides black?

(commenting on the last photo)

And Verizon said they would release an iPhone when the update their service to 4G.

I wish google had their navigation for the iPhone but the Motion X Drive is great. What's great about Motion X is that you can pay for turn by turn directions whenever you want, so you don't have too pay $40 straight up or a monthly subscription because you may not use the app for weeks until you have to find a place.

Lets start sending probes now before we decide to land on this planet. I want to see what it looks like before I die.

Then have Lockheed Martin build a smarter smart grid and whoever hacks the grid will be tracked and bombed by predator drones.

There probably won't be another next gen console till 2013. Kinect is that next gen step at a good price without buying completely new hardware. All of the gaming companies want to be economically friendly to its consumers.

and the price?

For those wondering how this works do an experiment. Place your hand in a plastic bag and make sure that it's sealed air tight around your wrist. The bag will start to fog up because your hand is sweating and you will start to feel heat. Everybody sweats even when their skin is dry because the sweat evaporates so

This is BS. If UFOs and aliens were real, we would know by now. The UFOs were photoshopped or government aircraft covered up to prevent the Russians from noticing.

I heard Verizon said that they won't release an iPhone until they release their 4G network.