Oh, there will be DLC. MS gotta make money somehow.
Oh, there will be DLC. MS gotta make money somehow.
It says its free but when I go into the app's details it's $2.99.
Can't wait to see how far technology will go in the next ten years.
I'd rather have the screen size of what the iPad is today because of the keyboard size on the touch screen. I was going to get the iPad but I'm going to wait for the next one after seeing the iPod Touch and iPhone 4 with facetime.
More frequent releases is gonna kill the series. At this point I don't even care if they stopped making Halo. Just as long as they keep making and expanding the multiplayer. People are going to want a good quality Halo game on the next gen Xbox console though.
That's because I haven't played it yet and neither has all of my friends who are huge Halo fans in College.
Maybe this will help with that Supreme Court case.
This is what they should have done in the first place. I'm glad I saved all of my RealD 3D glasses from the theaters instead of recycling them. I knew they would do this.
They say that Blu-ray is losing to DVDs. I would much rather go with digital downloads anyway because it's cheap and I can take them anywhere on my iPhone.
I want that phone and I have an iPhone 4.
I think more people text these days because it's much easier to text on a full keyboard than a small 12 keypad. Almost every phone now is a smart phone with the full keyboard. It may not be faster but adults used to typing on computers and type writers (in the past) are comfortable with the full keyboard. We have…
I don't get it. Just got to the Official Japanese Pokemon website!!!!!
Soul Calculus! Instead of combos, you find the derivative!
I think Sony can be very successful with a new gaming device. All they need is HD graphics, an option to have cell phone data service, a touch screen but still keep the buttons, and 3D. Nintendo has 3D but lacks in graphics. iPhone 4 has excellent graphics and online gaming anywhere but lacks in buttons.
Let's name the planet Reach.
So long and thanks for all the fish!
The Monkey Island Special Edition Bundle is 50% off on Steam today only.
Dang, I pre-ordered the 4GB with Kinect. I hope what they say about Microsoft fixing it is true. Good thing this is my second 360 for college and I'll be only using A/V standard components for my laptop with some capture card.