
It's an excellent move. The next Xbox will be fresh on everyones minds and more time to reveal the next gen games at E3.


Haha, I do the same thing. I love my 3DS! I now find myself spending more time on 3DS games than iPhone or iPad games. Nintendo has been improving the 3DS with the Nintendo eShop. It seems like every game is downloadable now which is very convenient.

They are looking at cat memes on the computer.

Glad I'm waiting for the Mac version.

Ouya=Ultimate Classics Emulator

I hope they add more license cars, otherwise this game will get annoying and boring fast. I hate freemium, but I'm not gonna let all of that waiting go to waste by not downloading the game. The money progression isn't that bad. You earn around $2,000 or less, if you are on top of the list. I highly suggest starting

Mobile gaming devices are dying very very slowly because of the smartphone business. The only company that's good in this market is Nintendo. Yea, touch screens do suck, but you can always connect a PS3 controller to an Android Phone or get the upcoming Caliber Advantage for the iPhone. Plus the games are dirt cheap.

It feels like that every time before they release the next iPhone.

It should

When the new iPhone is released. So September.

Or they need to stuff more computing power in these devices.

If you get excited about updates like me, wait for the iOS 6 Gold Master to be released and you can download the iOS update a week before anyone else. You do have to restore though. I was able to claim my game center name by doing this.

I'm starting to think the first gens of Apple products are duds meaning they don't last very long like the first gen iPhone or the first gen Apple TV.

Remember BFBC2 when everything was free when you bought it with a VIP code?

It's most likely gonna be OnLive. Gaikai is still a concept. OnLive has been making a major push in backwards compatibility. They launched over 40 Sega Genesis games on their service recently.

OnLive already did that. They just need to get Apple to approve the iOS app that's been pending for 6 months.

I look forward to watching this on a retina display Macbook.

I'm going into the marine industry so I see lots of big stuff like this. It's amazing to see what these oil companies do.

Haha, I remember this. Thanks for posting it. :) []