
Drought Edition

General Lee’s are flying off the shelf right now...

I’ve proposed this exact thing to Nissan, Infiniti and Mazda in years past when I worked on those brands. None wanted to do it.

What’s that you say? V63 AMG?

2 questions:

This and stuff like ARK are proof that there are so many great ideas that can be built into the broad framework of a Minecraft style game. Yet ARK, maybe ECO, and a billion other games show that the people who have these great ideas don’t necessarily have the budget, time, or skill to take them to their full

Facebook has become the out of date old guy who discovers something years after it was popular and thinks it is hip and fresh. Facebook probably still thinks yelling WAZZUP and telling telling people that theya re in fact the man now dog is super cool.

The Jumble-tastic badge system is a $9,999 option. They would have made it an even $10,000 but then you could jumble it to $00,001.

“Was the stunt effective? That’s debatable. In the video the police clearly have enough time to recognize the grocery store’s advertisement for banned foods before it changes.”

Pizza Hut stopped tasting good a long time ago.

Portrait video.

He likely saved taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars, and was arrested for his effort.

If you can’t provide the customer with what he wants, point him to someone who can.

Soooo, it won’t be Underground 3? Man. Atleast get rid of the Burnout physics and make “normal” arcade. Like the old UG and Most Wanted games.

I mean, obviously this guy has some serious credentials that got him the job, but you have to wonder just how much of an edge his name gave him over his competitors.

This asshat Jay (ex-friend/bandmate) stole my NES Ducktales cart. He borrowed it, and then when I asked him to finally return it like 6 months later, he said “What are you talking about? That’s mine, I’ve always had it.”

This may be the best article I’ve ever read