
I was more speaking about Philadelphia's lack of nice things, but you are not wrong.

Ha, same thing happens in Philly with every single athlete except for Cliff Lee. Cliff Lee was the only person that I can remember who left (yes he was traded but that hasn't historically mattered) and wasn't horribly excoriated and hatchet-jobbed afterwards. Infact, Cliff was given the martyr treatment, and perhaps

What is the common good? Slowly taking all individual responsibility away from people until they are merely automatons like you leftists want? Family Planning does save money. And guess what? That is what I am advocating. FAMILY PLANNING, by the individuals who seek to have families. It's up to you, not anyone

Me too... :C I thought I was really good at Melee until I went to college (2003-04) and people just wavedashed my face off.

Nathan is lonely and grief stricken and has "Catfished" the internet as a way to get over it. Moving along.

Men in general are lazy, self centered, and shit planners. "It feels better", "I don't want a garbage bag on my dick", "Pregnancy is more of her problem". All things that I have heard out of the mouths of other guys when we discuss condoms. Personally, the lost pleasure of having a condom on pales in comparison to

I have insurance because I am a responsible adult, clearly by your posts you are not a responsible adult. You believe that you should be taken care of because you want to do things but not take responsibility for them. Go fuck yourself you lazy, liberal sack of shit.

What you are speaking of is another unsupported position lacking fact. Where is the factual poll that supports this?

Let me quickly clarify that when I said 'too many men are just fucking children' that I did not mean that men were having sex with children, merely that too many men act like children and refuse to take responsibility for their actions. Due to your lack of intelligence, and your proclivity to add words to my mouth

When did I say that? I didn't. You put that in yourself because it fits your brain dead liberal narrative. Let me be very clear, since you seem pretty stupid. PEOPLE, and overidingly, MEN, need to be responsible for their actions. If you want to fuck that sweet little piece of ass but you can't afford kids, buy a

Had sex last Saturday, bought my own condom.

That sentence is absolutely logical. If it doesn't seem logical to you, then you are stupid.

How about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY? Ever heard of it? Probably not because you are a Democrat, and those two words are probably as awful to you as 'Capitalism' and 'Competition'.

Oh you can fuck whenever you want, but the result is squarely on your shoulders. You idiot liberals need to stop trying to get the rest of society to co-opt your bad decisions.

Yes, agreed. Health insurance is for medical needs, not because you aren't responsible enough to cover the 1.25 per condom or even the $22 per viagra. If you are 18-35 and can't get it up, then yeah, that is a medical condition that probably requires attention. If you are older, that's called being old.

No, see, I don't sound stupid, you do because these things you speak of have no relevance on my assertation. Can't afford kids or contraception? Don't have sex. Just like, can't afford car insurance? Don't drive. Cancer is inevitable. If you brush your teeth after eating, you won't get cavities. Only in this

How were we let down by the Supreme Court, pray tell? Because you have to pay for your own contraception? Here's a clue, don't have sex if you can't afford contraception.

But will the game be garbage like Dragon Age 2? Because that is what really matters.

Robben definitely flopped all game, but should have been given a PK in the first half on that awful challenge by Moreno (where he broke his leg). To me the Stoppage time PK was just a make up for the blatant miss in the First Half. Also, Mexico dove like they were competing in the Olympics all over again, so no

I loved UFC for a long time, but this recent explosion of Fights has run me ragged. It's basically what would happen if tomorrow the MLB announced that every single A, AA, AAA, and MLB team were being put in one league, the players were all being randomly relocated and a new 128 team nightmare league was being