
This World Cup should be moved to a country that already has the infrastructure in place to host an event of this magnitude. Yep, Murkah.

This is why we have Science.

I..... Why...? Why can't they just make this for me? Please?


Um... That's what he looked like, somewhat, except now, you know, he doesn't have the nose.

I feel like the movie would need to be War For The Dawn II, IE, just a gigantic Dragons vs. Whitewalkers Fire v Ice fest. Like you are saying, it would have to function as the last episode of a season, not fill in for a season.

I went to public school, can confirm that this happened every year.

This would be amazing. Do it please.

Sounds awesome, now can Blizzard please unlock my account, I got hacked and banned, went through like a month of trying to get it back to no avail, and quit. But now I feel like Diablo 3 would be fun again.

And this is the right way to disagree, not to just label me racist because of who I voted for.

No, you just have to dislike the track to poverty that this current administration has kept us on. I believe that everyone should have equal rights, but not at the cost of full on Socialism and the dismantling of our Space Program and Military. The problem is the two party system, you have one party that is

This is a completely uninformed and idiotic argument. I am a Republican, I support Marriage Equality and gay rights, but I can't support the Democratic Platform of Socialism, more entitlement programs, and complete Anti-Small Business stances. So I hold my nose and vote for Mitt Romney. I also won't vote for a

Lots of bacon for everyone, might even be able to spare a gun, but it'll be a .22 rifle, no scope.

This is just another reason why Soccer isn't mainstream in America. How many times has there been a new ball introduced in Football (the REAL football, with steroids, concussions, and rapists) in the last 10 years? How many new basketballs were introduced? 1, and it was so derided that they switched back.

God this Phillies season is just going to be vomitted up dog shit awful. But at least.....

We have Alligator Snappers in PA, those things are vicious. I've seen one that was nearly two feet in diameter bite through a stout wooden oar like it was butter, this dude is lucky that the thing didn't take a massive chunk out of his lip.

Birth control shouldn't be with held from anyone, but Sexual Intercourse isn't some right that you have. Buy your own or deal with the consequences. When I was broke I didn't have sex because I wasn't ready to be a father or an STD victim. I am so tired of this bullshit.

TIL: Some people are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to into fashion culture and the underlying Psychology of it. I think I am going to start solely dressing myself in Target stuff to avoid this mess.

Yeah, I'm in your boat. Final Fantasy ended at IX for me personally. I haven't been able to just fall into a Final Fantasy game since that one. I've played them, even enjoyed X and XII, but I haven't had that moment where it's like "Holy shit, what time is it? 330AM? Shit, I still need to grind two more levels

Most anti-climactic fight scene? David Carradine and his dick.