Its really all about the games for Ninty, as you say. The rest is background noise. All of the people that tout the "THEY LOST ME WITH THEIR CHEAP HARDWARE!!!!" were never going to get a Wii U anyway. Those aren't Nintendo fans, Nintendo has only been the most powerful dog in the race once, N64, and that wasn't…
Yeah, this is why I bought a Wii U, I am a Tech Professional, as such I have to maintain a high power rig for my business, so, all but like 3 games that I'll want to play are on PC. And, I can't play Civ on xboner or PS4.
This here. I have a Wii U, I love my Wii U, but I have no compelling argument to convince my friends to buy one. They are all waiting for Smash and Mario Kart and New Metroid and Zelda.
Hell, just let him go back, what the fuck, our season is over and I just want to cry and play Japanese video games until the next Olympics anyway.
I.... why did you..... I just... I.... I don't feel good, I need to lay down.
When I was younger, we pulled the "Baby Ruth" trick at our waterpark of choice. We did it right near the end of our visit so that we didn't risk the park being shut down before we could have fun. We then hung around to see the crowds of people evacuate the pool and slides. Something much worse happened. One of the…
Haha, my parents had 2 children. The other three were my cousins, unfortunately, their parents were pieces of drug addled shit for quite a while so my parents and grandparents helped raise them.
If he was a Republican he would have already been forced out of the race, just saying...
That problem usually is called children.
I don't know man, we used to drive to Florida from Philly every year, and the mini-CRT/N64/PS1 was the only thing that kept 5 kids from going absolutely bat shit insane. Smash Bros./Mario Kart/Perfect Dark Marathons kept us engaged and much more ruly than our usual "STOP CROSSING THE BARRIER OF MY SEAT!!!!!" antics.
Especially since it could have been avoided by hanging the TV lower.
Being picky is absolutely fine, complaining that you are single when you are picky, not fine.
Smacked Down.
dude, bro, BRO!
Bro? BRO? BRO!! Physics Bro! Really bro? Come on, Physics class was for chumps bro, you feign diarrhea, go sit on the pot, break out the Spec. Edish. iPod and jam out to Kenny Chesney Bro! Come on bro!
This is the Gawker network, son, America, FUCK YEAH.
I was waiting for this, well done.
Because on the Gawker network, they look at it like this: