
I don't understand this. My mother started her Ph.D when she was 30 and I was 3. Two years later my sister was born, she was an unplanned pregnancy. It took her about 5 more years to finish her Ph.D and then she started working as a professor, and got tenure and all her promotions and is now a full professor. They've

Nine months is hardly enough time for the crime he committed.

I do not, nor have I ever. I am sorry your friend had to go through this.

You can order bottles that have any word you want I think. Like how you can order customized m&ms.

Geese are a fucking menace.

Haha that sounds like the seagulls in Finding Nemo. Birds get way too excited over some bread.

Alright this isn't that amazing but it was hilarious at the time and I still laugh about it twenty years later.

I'm pretty sure they've done this at the end of all of the concerts on this tour. I'm not sure why this is news now. But seriously it's gotten to the point that every move they make is going to be overanalyzed

I am also unaware of what the sexual assault is. I read an essay written by one of the female band members and she claimed everything was light hearted and that nobody forced anyone to do anything.

Oh man, I wish I hadn't read that because now I will be SO DISAPPOINTED if it doesn't happen. It totally could though. Avengers 3 is my guess.

Chris Pratt can get it.

I don't think the no smiling is a problem in real life, but in her movies she tends to have the same facial expression no matter the situation. It's a problem from an acting standpoint.

I love Parks & Rec. This is the only show in which I actually love every character. I wish I worked at the Pawnee Parks Department

But... Why. This is just delicious food with an unnecessary roadblock.

Congratulations on your wedding! That's wonderful. You're a better person than I am, I would be too hurt and not ok with him having two other kids and not being there for the kids he has with you. But I'm glad you're doing well.

Damn that's fucking awful, what an asshole. I wonder if he had secretly planned on seeing here there all along

That was a fantastic story. Cara sounds like a basic bitch.

Nooo but that wasn't about you at all. She was just a terrible horrible person. The fact that you got cheated on in no way reflects poorly on you. Some people just aren't meant to be in relationships (her).

Good for you. You saved her a lot of grief and heartbreak

Damn he's bold as hell. Did you tell your best friend?