
I am sorry you had to go through that. It's so hard when someone you love and care about is cruel to you, you end up believing it and then thinking you're not good enough for anyone else so you settle for much less than you deserve.

I will definitely look into that, thank you.

I hope you have since found better friends :(

Well thank goodness it worked out for you in the end. It is so hard to get yourself out of a bad situation, no matter what the situation is. You don't even realize how bad it really was until you're out of it.

I understand why you do, but you definitely don't need to feel bad. I hope she didn't make you feel like it was your fault somehow.

You would think that she would've recalled at some point that you and your husband frequent that particular hotel. I'm glad she didn't though.

You are a hero.

Well fuck. That sounds heartbreaking

But WHY couldn't he just TELL you?? He just had to go about it in the most cowardly and selfish way possible. And I'm guessing she had no idea you existed. What an asshole

Seriously, what the fuck is a renaissance poet. And when you get fired from said job as a renaissance poet, where do you go from there? I take solace in the fact that he probably never found a job again because what could he even do after that?

I have a somewhat similar story... How do guys do that?? Besides the fact that it's just morally wrong, it just seems like a lot of stress and work for not much benefit. Good job being able to stay for the movie, I hope you enjoyed it too.

I swear to God you know my ex, this is crazy. All of this fits him so well. He never held himself accountable for anything ever, arguing with him was the most frustrating thing in the world, he never apologized never thought he did wrong. With the naked pictures of his exes situation HE got mad at ME for messing with

Oh also, he continued to be friendly with all of his exes and girls he used to date the entire time we were together. Even kept all their old pictures, including naked ones (until I found them one day in our house and threw them out) And he just cannot understand why I wouldn't want to be his friend. That is just not

Oh, you've met my ex apparently. This is a man that criticized me EVERYDAY for my looks, saying my stomach wasn't defined enough, my arms were too flabby, my butt was saggy, my thighs had too much cellulite, etc. One of the main problems he had with me was I didn't like working out (not that it should matter AT ALL

In her defense he is very manipulative and very good at putting on the persona of a good person. It took me a long time to realize that all the "good" he did was an act. I am certain that all the apologies and wanting to be friends with me is just him continuing the act of a good person, and he is sorry most of all

Lol I am not from Texas... That is unfortunate you know someone else this happened to

I was engaged and living with a man I had been with for 6 years. He had broken up with me the year before and we called off the wedding, but after two months got back together. He broke up with me again, because I wasn't being "wife-like" enough for him, and I once again packed a bag and headed to stay with my

You would have to get a huge tattoo if you wanted to get it completely covered, but you could get it redone into a sweet looking scorpion without much problem. That's what I would do.

That's what I was saying the entire movie. Armor is worth nothing if the her whole fucking midsection is exposed. But it's ok, cuz she's sexy

Thank you! I'm very excited. I visited a couple months ago to look for an apartment and I liked what I saw so far. I think it'll be a good change for me :)