
You know, these were the clothes that the popular rich (well, they were probably middle-class, but my perception was schewed) kids in high school all wore, and a lot of those kids were dicks. I never once even wanted to buy Abercrombie and Fitch stuff (I was busy being an emotionally tortured nerd and I could never

The one in Postville, Iowa? That is a weird place. Hasidic Jews, elderly white farmers with names like Emar and Elmer, and recent Mexican immigrants.

Not to mention that all three of the unpaid internships I held in grad school were less about learning skills and more about being an unpaid administrative assistant. Not saying this in an entitled/whiny "I should get what I want all the time! I won't do menial things because I think I'm special!" way, just a "well,

Ugh. Sometimes, it's just, "You have a paper syllabus with a list of all your assignments by date. You got a paper copy, I e-mailed it out to the class listserv, and it's up on Blackboard so you can look it up whenever you need to, and yet you want me to text you to remind you to include your works cited? Really?

Thanks again. I went to a couple stores just to look/try on. Sports Authority had a whopping six styles to choose from, so I tried them all out. Of course, the only one that fit well was the most expensive, so I just bought goggles and left. I now know what size I wear and which style works for me (discovered that

In the comments section of articles on weight-loss you will find dozens of loyal WW supporters extolling its virtue as the end-all be-all of weight-loss programs with the zeal of recent religious converts. That's my whole point.

Dear Lord. At least she found some humor in sheer ridiculousness of the situation. Yuck.

The point is not to knock WW or any other specific weight-loss scheme; it's about the way people tend to respond to any article about weight, weight-loss, or being fat in the following manner:

"Well, I lost 55 pounds on Paleo and it was so easy! You should try it. All I did was replace all my food with raw dandelion

Yes. This. The difference in how even random stranger treat you is evident with even a 20 lb weight-loss. I have a relative who treated me like garbage when I was 50 lbs heavier. She fat-shamed me like it was her job. Now that I'm a more socially-acceptable weight, she gives me back-handed compliments. I don't want

Some doctors are champions, champions, I tell you, of not even looking at the chart.

Hang on, where is the pitch about how Weight Watchers changed someone's life and easy it is to count points?

I don't think all discussion of weight with doctors is necessarily concern-trolly, but doctors do need to learn how to actually listen to their patients. I've had doctors who are very compassionate and helpful when I say, "I do not want to take medications that will cause me to gain weight. I am very sensitive to

I have heard reports, many of them quite frightening, about the way that anyone who is at other than their "ideal weight" (I don't know if that's determined by body fat percentage or what) is treated by OBGYNs, especially when they are pregnant. It scares me.

OK. Sadly, this is not a joke: here and again, here. I'm sure you could get around it by going for a spelling like Anahl if you really had to go for this, but it's most likely Indian parents who didn't think it through (case in point, my niece is named Anusha, and the parents didn't even consider that she might be

That is very helpful—especially the part about sizing. I will keep this in mind when I go shopping tomorrow. I am sure that I will initially think correctly-sized suits are tight, but my boobs will thank me for it.

The Jockey C-Cup and Up bras have been a lifesaver for me. The band is wide, there are three hooks in the back, and your boobs don't get swished together (cupless bras, I get that classy the loaf-of-bread-strapped-to-my-chest look).

Does anyone have suggestions for a good lap suit for someone with DDs? I recently took up swimming, and my let's-hang-out-by-the-pool-and-read-novels suit has left me with sore boobs after a one-hour swim. Should I go for compression or cups? Both? I am clueless.

My maternal grandmother and great-grandmother both worked in blue-collar jobs (manufacturing, commercial sewing) and had reputations as terrible cooks.

Indeed. I mean, learning to not hate your body? Awesome! Accepting the body you have and learning to take care of it? Fantabulous! Critiquing the media's and society's objectification of female bodies? Standing ovation! Trying to create a world in which overweight people are not treated like crap? All over that shit.