Dead Man is an absolutely amazing film. Oh Johnny, you used to be wonderful.
Dead Man is an absolutely amazing film. Oh Johnny, you used to be wonderful.
Exactly. (and she is)
say what you will about the RCC...they've had almost 2000 years of practice, so when they come out with wacky shit like this you know it's solid gold.
I have also heard that rumor, but I am beginning to think that maybe a commenter dreamed it up when the initial casting outrage happened months ago, as the only reasonable explanation for blatant racism.
Well, the government decides, actually.
Here's what you do.
But, but...they cast a black as Nick Fury, so, uh, you're being reverse racist and PC, and something to do with the First Amendment.
Talking about people who have no agency or power in how they are represented in the media... first nations people!!! How sick am I of the 'white man as saviour' theme? So, so, so sick of it.
Also: the real life inspiration for the Lone Ranger was a black man. So that's two POC being played by white men.
White-dominated media tells me it's alcoholism and drugs. I want to change that by dressing up like a member of Kiss meets Navajo gift shop." And to top it all off, he wants to encourage those reservation kids to find their inner warriors, to hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon, to paint with all the colors of the…
Does anyone else think that capybaras look JUST like they were drawn by Edward Gorey?
First, It took someone on Jez's forums using this gif for me suddenly to understand the connection between Syrio's "not today" and Beric's "not today." I r observant and smrt.
Also, I'm with you. I deal with this kind of issue regularly and there is no magic formula of rhetoric that will get a person with racist…
Well, I say!
This is a fantastic and important post. I have to tell you, this line resonated with me so much: "It's hard to realize that the water you're swimming in is poison if you're used to it." Amazing perception and way of seeing what it feels like to be on the inside of one of these relationships. And hell yes, we all need…
She's a rabid Catholic, so it makes sense she'd promote these views. Catholics enact the dynamics of abusive relationships constantly by remaining in the church.
It's not news. It was always ok. It always happened. If anything, it was laudable to give up same-sex behavior (hardly unknown among men in medieval and Renaissance European universities) sigh deeply, and get married. People used to get married to people of the opposite sex early and always, if they didn't take…
Infertility just provides an opportunity for god to perform a miracle, and thus reap the undying gratitude of his many followers.