
She is pretty fabulous. While I do like that Nike is doing some things to be more gay-friendly with their corporate culture, the reason they signed Brittney is that she is the best of the best. I'm really excited to see what she does for the promotion of women's sports.

Well, I'm responding to you to get you out of the grey if I can...

Let me guess: Indiana?

Yup. I can't get on board with certain elements of the FA movement because of the elements of victimization and the "Oh, my diabetes/knee problems/fatigue/et cetera has nothing to do with my size! Any doctor who suggests I lose some weight is shaming me!" stuff that is floating around the internet. I'm not down for

Isn't it ironic that an article that is desperately reaching to find an element of fat-shaming in a scientific study (seriously, why no discussion of the second study other than to say, "oh, and there was another study, too?") would use one of the most cliched and dehumanizing representations of the obese?

Hmm...I'm thinking anything under $6.99 :)

Is he shattered_myths, or that just a rumor, too?

OK, I believe you. Listening to the wrong people I guess. I had to look up what PUA is. This is the first thing I got: Portland Ukulele Association, which is pretty funny.

I hear that Seatosky, Hungerwolf, and shattered_myths are the same bro (or should I say "brah?").

And I like a girl who doesn't worry too much about her hair and doesn't buy a whole bunch of products, but her hair has to be long and naturally have a slight curl. And of course I like a girl who can cook a three-course meal to my exact specifications, but not a fatty.

I've had a problem with suddenly being grey, too.

Thanks. Those things are SOOO expensive, but I really need to be able to eat more fresh things again and my current blender can barely liquify a banana these days. Not sure how long I will have to do this, but it's looking like a long-term deal.

What kind of blender did you get? I am in a similar situation (mechanical soft diet) and my Cuisinart blender is on its last gasps.

They play it as the warm-up song for group power (weightlifting class type thing) now. It's really awkward.

I got one as a consolation prize after a death in the family (in retrospect, that is weird, I know, but at the time I didn't notice). We were somewhere between working class and lower-middle-class. The best thing about it was that my grandmother used her mad seamstressing skills to make all the clothes for the doll. I

Yes, thank you. This is me putting my embarrassing shit out there, but I am married to a man who has lost all interest in sex. It freaking blows. Thank goodness for batteries. I actually had to find a new doctor after having this conversation:
Doctor: "So, are you on the pill?"

They briefly issued a doll named Sonali, but she was a limited edition and sold out very quickly. She didn't have her own book, but there was clearly a demand for her.

Absolutely. I sometimes make the mistake of reading the comments on CNN articles (why? why do I do that?), and any article about a woman or a child being raped somehow gets turned into a discussion of why we aren't talking about male rape instead. (I've seen the same thing happen with whites making discussions of race

I'm gonna put five bucks on Ken Cuccinelli (VA attorney gen)

Precisely. I wouldn't sue my gym for a kids only swim hour or sue because I felt like the Silver Sneakers (older people's class) was taking up space I would rather have. Some gyms in the US have similar policies. Check out the MRA action on these comments on a Muslim women's swim class at a YMCA.